Ainda não temos os acordes desta música, somente possuimos a letra.Colabore conosco, envie a cifra dessa música para gente!Clique aqui.Não encontrou a cifra que você está procurando?Diga qual é e nós adicionamos pra você!So fast, so free, These deep blue waters drown me in jealousy. I lost my head, Somewhere between the surface and the sea bed. I'll stay beneath, Where my voice makes no noise, trapped in my body. But when I leave, I know that one day it's an Ocean I'll be. And they call it freedom, how can it be? When I live in a timezone unsuited to me. And they call it freedom, how can it be? When we all follow patterns and live on repeat. We all follow patterns and live on repeat. So fast, so free, These deep blue waters drown me in jealousy. I lost my head, Somewhere between the surface and the sea bed. I'll stay beneath, Where my voice makes no noise, trapped in my body. And they call it freedom, how can it be? When we all follow patterns and live on repeat. But when I leave, I know that one day it's an ocean I'll... Well, I know that one day it's an ocean I'll be.

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