Love this track from this great band, there was already a tab on here but I don't think it was quite correct so I've tabbed out the version that I play. Any corrections please email me. Thanks Intro e|------------------------------------| B|----3-----5----3------7----5----3---| G|---------------4------7----6----4---| x3 D|--5---5-4------4------7----7----5---| A|---------------------5~----7----5---| E|------------------------------------| Verse e|------------------------------------||-----| B|----3-----5----3------7----5----3---||-(5)-| G|---------------4------7----6----4---||-(6)-| (Only play this A at the end on the D|--5---5-4------4------7----7----5---||-(7)-| time round that leads into the Chorus) A|---------------------5~----7----5---||-(7)-| E|------------------------------------||-----| Chorus e|-------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------| G|--7~---6--4~----4--6---7~---6--4~---4--6---| D|--9~---7--5~----5--7---9~---7--5~---5--7---| A|--9~---7--5~----5--7---9~---7--5~---5--7---| E|-------------------------------------------| That's pretty much the whole song, the guitar drops out for the first round of the 2nd verse and plays very sparse notes low in the mix within minor Pentatonic, mainly uses an E note on the 9th fret of the string ************************************ Any suggestions or corrections please email me at [email protected] ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************