Intro Verse: I'm walk - in' on air, For I've left all my blue days be - hind. I'm fly - in' -- how'd you guess? And there's love, real - ly love on my mind. Melody: I'm the world's most hap - py crea - ture, tell me what can wor - ry be? I'm crazy 'bout my ba - by, and my ba - by's crazy 'bout me. Mr. Cu - pid was our teach - er, that's the rea - son we a - gree; Yes, I'm crazy 'bout my ba - by, and my ba - by's crazy 'bout me. Bridge: DM7 Par - son get your book out, read - y in your hand; Keep a stead - y look - out, and you can un - der - stand. It's an - one com - bi - na - tion, we are per - fect, me and she; Yes, I'm crazy 'bout my ba - by, and my ba - by's crazy 'bout me.