transcribed by, Tony Williams Intro: {}...... shack The back It's the track It's the back years Till the gears It's a shown It's a outgrown It's time's all that you own stand all alone no old west left guess I guess spoil It's a oil It's the roads It's the ill wind that bodes It's time's all that you own The last card is thrown It's the no old west left guess I guess instrumental: snow The flowed die But understand why It's time's all that you own Like the wind carves the stone It's the no old west left here boys now boys guess I guess {N/C} I'd sure hate to guess. There you have it, friends. if anyone is interested in buying max's cd they can order it by sending $17 to: MAX STALLING P.O. box 721144 Dallas Tx. 75372-1144 also his e-mail is [email protected]