When The Last Child Leaves Home

Melinda Schneider

Written by Melinda Schneider/Billy Thorpe Intro Chords: With the birth of their daughter The family begins They tried for another then came the twins From toothaches to heartbreaks And fights for the phone A house feels so empty When the last child leaves home When the last child leaves home There's the rest of forever To cherish the memories That they made together They're part of each other So they're not alone But a house feels so empty When the last child leaves home Now there's more peace and quiet Than they've ever had But it's so damn quiet it's driving them mad So they're trading the old place For a beach they can comb Cause a house feels so empty When the last child leaves home When the last child leaves home There's the rest of forever To cherish the memories That they made together They're part of each other So they're not alone But a house feels so empty When the last child leaves home A house feels so empty When the last child leaves home

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