Everything Impossible

Mercy Me

Int: Verse (1) I was taught to be practical in everything I do holding on to what is tangible and then came You That's when I found myself so far away from everything I knew I took a leap of faith Even though You're difficult for me to explain I know I'll never be the same You're everything I cannot see, You're everything I cannot say I know it all seems so illogical but that's okay You're the love you give to me, You're the love I give away 'Cause You are everything impossible and that's okay That's okay Verse (2) All the things that make no sense to me, draw me to you Like finding freedom by surrendering, can it be true? With everything I can and cannot know, this mystery Is bringing life to me And all this love I have for You I can't contain I know I'll never be the same (Repeat Chorus) What's so hard to understand, what I cannot comprehend Is that You love me the way I am

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