Rythmn Fig 1. Bridge into chorus || Hold These chords e|------------------------------||----------------------------------| B|------------------------------||----------------------------------| G|-2-4--(4)--------------------*||-2-4--(4)------7-9---11-7-9-------| D|-2-4--(4)-----4-----4-----4--*||-2-4--(4)---4--7-9-4-11-7-9-4-----| A|-0-2-0h2p0----4-----4-----4---||-0-2-0h2p0--4--5-7-4- 9-5-7-4-----| E|------------2-2-0-2-2-0-2-2-0-||------------2------2--------2--2--| | | Pick real Fast and alot By this ( ) I mean hold the chord with your ring finger and just perform the hammer and pull-offs with your index finger. Repeat This rythmn figure until you hit the bridge to the chorus. The Bridge into the chorus has a bunch of power chords which are held. Listen to the tune and you'll get the picture.... Chorus (Lyrics go 'HELPLESS....!') Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 e|---------------------------------|------------------|----------------- B|---------------------------------|------------------|----------------- G|--------------------------------*|-----------------*|----------------- D|------------------7p5---------5-*|-----------5-5-5-*|-----------5-5-7- A|----------------------7-6-7-6----|-----------5-5-5--|-----------5-5-7- E|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------|-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-3--|-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-5- By this I mean play Part 1 three times, then play Part 2. Then you play Part 1 three times again and finish the chorus with Part 3. Work with me on this one... I'm not sure about the part 1 section... but this is close.... Now return to ryth. Fig 1 amd play it till you hit the chorus a second time... do the chorus again and then play rythmn Fig 1 again until you hit the little Newstead bass solo, after which you hit a second bridge. I prefer to enter into this section with a jumping, banging pick slide. In other words I bounce the pick off the low while sliding the edge down the fretboard... Anyway it sounds real cool... Bridge 2 |<-------Repeat 4x |<------Repeat 4x|<------Repeat 4x|<------Repeat 4x| e|------------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| B|------------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| G|-----------------*|---------------*|---------------*|---------------*| D|-----------------*|---------------*|---------------*|---------------*| A|----0-2----0h2p0--|---2-4---2h4p2--|---3-5---3h5p3--|---5-7---5h7p5--| E|--2------2--------|-4-----4--------|-5-----5--------|-7-----7--------| |<-------Repeat 2x|<------Repeat 2x| e|-----------------|----------------|----------------------------------- B|-----------------|----------------|----------------------------------- G|----------------*|---------------*|----------------------------------- D|----------------*|---------------*|---------------7-9---5-7---3-5----- A|----3-5---3h5p3--|---5-7---5h7p5--|---3-5---5-7-9-----7-----5--------- E|--5-----5--------|-7-----7--------|-5-----7--------------------------- | | Rythmn Fig 2. || End ryth. Fig 2 | | || End bridge2| |<----Repeat 3x| || e|----------| |--------------|--------||-------------------------------- B|----------| |--------------|--------||-------------------------------- G|-4---2-4--| |---4p2---2-4-*|-7---9--||-------------------------------- D|-4-5-2-4--| |---4p2-4-2-4-*|-7-7-9--||-------------------------------- A|-2-5-0-2--| |-------4------|-5-7-7--||-------------------------------- E|---3------| |--------------|---5----||-------------------------------- Rythmn Fig 3. | |<--------Repeat 2x | e|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------| G|---2-4-7-6-2---2-4---------2-4-7-6-2---2-4-7-6-4-|6-----------7-9-7-*| D|-4-2-4-7-6-2-4-2-4-2-2-2-4-2-4-7-6-2-4-2-4-7-6-4-|6-----------7-9-7-*| A|-4-0-2-5-4-0-4-0-2-2-2-2-4-0-2-5-4-0-4-0-2-5-4-2-|4-4-4-4-4-4-5-7-5--| E|-2-----------2-----0-0-0-2-----------2-----------|-------------------| Rythmn Fig 3a. | | End Ryth. Fig 3 | e|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------- B|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------- G|-6-sl.---7-sl.---9-sl.--10-sl.--11-9-6-5-4-2-|-------------------- D|-6-sl.---7-sl.---9-sl.--10-sl.--11-9-6-5-4-2-|-------------------- A|-4-sl.---5-sl.---7-sl.-- 8-sl.-- 9-7-4-3-2-0-|-------------------- E|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------- Ok, Lots of explaining to do... first of all the bridge: play each section marked for repetition and then proceed to the next bar... do not go back to the beginning of the bridge each time... I just was lazy and didn't want to write it all up... listen to the song and then try to figure it out...The bridge ends with four power chords: . Then the song heads into rythmn figure 2. Rythmn Fig. 2 is played FAST! Repeat it a bunch of times until you hit the second set of lyrics. Then break into Rythmn Fig 3 followed by Rythmn Fig 3a. After the lyrics then back to Rythmn Fig. 2. This entire thing is repeated twice (I think.... Check out the song). Now we head towards the guitar solo. Rythmn fig 2 is played once and followed by rythmn Figure 1. Ryth. Fig 1 repeats a bunch of times and the intro to the solo starts with an E power chord on 0th fret. Rythmn Fig 1. is played behind the solo until near the end of the solo the Rythmn changes to rythmn figure 4. Rythmn Fig 4. |<-----repeat 3x| |<---------repeat 2x | e|---------------|-------------|--------------------|------------------- B|---------------|-------------|--------------------|------------------- G|----2-4-------*|---2-4-7-6-4-|-6-----------7-9-7-*|------------------- D|--4-2-4-2-2-2-*|-4-2-4-7-6-4-|-6-----------7-9-7-*|------------------- A|--4-0-2-2-2-2--|-4-0-2-5-4-2-|-4-4-4-4-4-4-5-7-5--|------------------- E|--2-----0-0-0--|-2-----------|--------------------|------------------- Now finish the solo off with Rythmn Fig. 3a.... The lead for the solo is basically a blues based Hammet solo in . Most of it is played on 14th fret, and Kirk does his standard drop down to on the 2nd fret. Well I'm almost done.... Now the song finishes with Rythmn Figure 1 being played a couple of times and then a slowed down, slightly varied version ends the song....