Intro Me and Virgil best of friend brothers 'til the very end made a pact one sunny afternoon down by cold pepper creek Fishing holes, skippin' rocks down the railroad tracks we'd talk about girls and cars and hopes and dreams the way our lives would be and we swore we'd never change and it would always be the same. Virgil met the Holy Ghost a little younger than most at the gilappi pentacostal tent revival halter call Everyone in town was there that day Virgil gave his soul away they were praising as I waited outside the gospel hall And we swore we'd never change but it would never be the same Cause it was later on that year the winter that our mama died when I told Virgil I don't wanna hear about love and peace inside cause if this God you know is good how can he allow the pain life's been hard enough so why would I want to be born again The other night me and Virgil spoke he travels with the Holy Ghost holding tent revivals he's out to seek and save Virgil says he's been set free by Jesus dying on the tree but I'm not sure what I believe my questions still remain Virgil says that when he prays he asks the Lord that I'd be saved I guess some things never change Awesome Song!! I think Paul cappo's the second fret.