Intr.: ( I should now be feeling happy Since I have a fine new job An'wife an'family I'm the model man who made it Every month a thousand bucks! I should think the Lord I have it, And my success as an artist, sould be proud I've got a Chevy I'm the kind of guy that lucks!! So, I should now be glad as glad With my brand new home in the best quarter After starving for two years In this whore of whores of towns!! Should be proud of being socially Respected and even feared But I think this kind of success Is for circuses and for clowns!! Yes, I should be vain and proud To have won my place in life But I must wow I'm dazed And I just don't know where I am at Because it was so easy picking So I ask myself "and now"?? I have so many worlds to conquer And I know I cannot be even satisfied with that I should be happy God granted me The sundays that I wanted With my family to play the father To play the husband... and display But a monumental hore You will find I am and more Don't you feel I'm happy and easy at the end of every day!! Stand against a looking glass And see yourself...what an ass God and devil took the mass On ten percenteuse of your brain You are a of philosophy Priest or copper, what a topper Don't you wish you cold grow young And start it all again __ You don't you find me glady sittin | On a throne made of my savings | In my heavily-mortgaged home | | Waiting for my coming death | |2 Yah, two wond wonders gravitating, |V flying saucers, |E |Z I'm awaiting, tes, I'm awaiting |E At the neighbor's fence |S | Hoping an looking across | | the heath!! __|