Intro Whippoorwill, are you all alone? Do you need a home? verse 1 Whippoorwill sing your song of I need a helping hand and only you will do when you call my name I'll understand and meet you on the ride. verse 2 whippoorwill singing in the ni......ght waiting passively for a sign that someone hears your song. When you call my name I'll understand and meet you on the ride. Your song of love is all you only need your song of love is calling and I know you must be mine. verse 3 Whippoorwill almost by the does she understand and does she hear you too when you call her name? Will she be there to meet us on the ride? Outro Your song of love is calling is calling me your song of love is calling and will meet you on the ride your song of love is calling and will meet you on the