If you want to play along with this track, tune your guitar to the cd. (I will write the chords as normal chords, but they're actually a half-note (cirka) up) Intro: |e--0----------0----0----2---| |B--0----------0----0----3---| |G--4----------2----4----2---| |D--2----------0----2----0---| |A--4----------2----4--------| |E--0----------0----0--------| Now the song starts and the orchestra kicks in. The chords changes between A and D. The guitar melody is based on these notes: |e------17-| |B----15---| I haven't found a rythm pattern so just do as you like. |G--14-----| blá nótt yfir himininn blá nótt yfir mér horf-inn út um glugann minn með hendur faldar undir kinn hugsum daginn minn í dag og í gær blá nóttfötin klæða mig i, beint upp i rúm breiði mjúku sængina loka augunum ég fel hausinn undir væng Refrain: starir á mig lítill álfur hleypur að mer en hreyfist ekki ur stað - sjalfur starálfur Back to the intro over |-A-|-D-| and the guitar melody Opna augun stírurnar úr trygi mig og tel (hvort ég sé ekki) kommin aftur og alltalltilæ samt ventar eitthvað eins og alla veggina The instrumental interplay: | | | | Then the orchestra plays the refrain chords, + a little tail (?) Guitar plays (again): | |

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