How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall


How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, man, practice How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, man, practice To get yourself to Carnegie Hall? Practice, man, practice Carnegie Hall Carnegie Hall Technical facility, Old-word sensibility All of this I did for you, still there is no sign of you I practiced I practiced, Carnegie Hall was beckoning I practiced I practiced, Carnegie Hall was beckoning I was ready I was ready, Carnegie Hall was beckoning Still there is no sign of you, Still there is no sign of you Verse 1 Practice on a Steinway, Practice on a Steinway Practice on a Steinway, They loved it, they showed it, The audience was deafening I was ready, I was ready The critics all said "riveting" On a Steinway, on a Steinway I guess it doesn't mean a thing Still there is no sign of you, Still there is no sign of you by: José Duarte [email protected]