** (To Match Recording)** Intro: () You know I () finally free Completely and forever over () you Oh, I was getting along Even started () to believe That I was finally over these blues But, I () was wrong and () heart again That's the way it's () always been When the memor()ies begin I can pre() win You're on my () heart again Guess that it will () never end 'Cause just when I'm a(A)bout to mend () my heart ag(D)ain () It happens () every time I'll be doing () good And then I look up and see a car like yours go () by Oh I can't help myself I feel the empti()ness again I've been loving you for so long I know () you're gone but () heart again That's the way it's () always been When the memor()ies begin I can pre() win You're on my () heart again Guess that it will () never end 'Cause just when I'm a()bout to mend ()ain () I was wrong It's () so strong And ()ain ()