For The Windows In Paradise For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti

Sufjan Stevens

This is a tough song to tab and play. I didn't see any other version up here, so here's Play very close to the bridge to sort of replicate the banjo's sound. This is only a Add your own stuff and make it your own. Tuning: e|------0-0------0--0-0----------------------------------------|I B|------0-0------0--1-1-----1-1-1-----0-0-----0-0--0---0-0-----|I G|------0-0------0--0-0-----0-0-0-----0-0-----0-0--0---0-0-----|I D|--0h2-2-2--0h2--------0h2-2---2-----0-0-----0-0--4---4-4-----|I A|--0h2-2-2--0h2--------3---3---3--0h2----0h2------5---5-5-----|I E|---------------------------------3------3--------2---2-2-----|I This repeats over and over throughout the song. Enjoy and have a great day.