Intro: Verse O come, O come, Em-man__________ u- el And ransom captive Is ra el That mourns in lonely ex - ile here Un -til the Son of God_____ ap - pears Rejoice! Re-joice! - ma - u -el Shall come to thee, O Is - ra - el. Verse O come, Thou Key of David______, come, And open wide our hea- ven-ly home; Make safe the way that le - ads on high, And close the path to______ mis - ery. Rejoice! Re-joice! - ma - u -el Shall come to thee, O Is - ra - el. Verse O come, desire of na - ation's bind (O come, o come, Emmanuel) All people's in one heart____ and ran (Ran from captive Israel) Bid thou our sad di-vis-ion see (Oh Israel) And be thy self our King_____________ of peace Rejoice! Re-joice! - ma - u -el Shall come to thee, O Is - ra - el. Rejoice! Re-joice! - ma - u -el Shall come to thee, O Is - ra - el. Outro - ma - u -el - ma - u -el - ma - u -el