*Tuning: Drop A string to , so EGDGBe *Capo on third fret. Intro/Verse/Chorus "Love pull your ... I don't know ooh" e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|--00x-000x-000x-000x-| D|--99x-077x-044x-555x-| G|--77x-055x-022x-000x-| E|---------------------| Repeat that as needed. Also, when repeating the first chord, use: e|-------| B|-------| G|-000x--| D|-099x--| G|-077x--| E|-------| Bridge "Everything in my body says ... says no" e|------------------| B|------------------| G|------------------| D|-99xx77xx55xx55xx-| G|-99xx77xx55xx55xx-| E|------------------| Transition: (Not Tonight-I'm On Fire) e|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-------------------| D|--555x555x555x-----| G|--000x000x000x-----| E|-------------------| Verse "Hey little girl is your daddy home, did he go and leave you all alone?" e|---------------------------| B|---------------------------| G|---------------------------| D|--555x555x555x555x555x-----| G|--000x000x000x000x555x-----| E|---------------------------| "I got a bad desire" e|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-------------------| D|-555x999x999x------| G|-555x999x999x------| E|-------------------| "Oh, Oh, Oh, I'm on fire" e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|---------------------| D|--555x777x555x555x---| G|--555x777x000x000x---| E|---------------------| Repeat that part twice, and then repeat the Chrous to Not Tonight. In order: -Introx2 -Versex4 -Chorusx9 -Bridgex4 -Transitionx1 -Im On Firex2 -Chorusx8