Little Girl That Played Upon My Knee

The Carter Family

Many years have passed away and gone, since I left my old native home, since I left the scenes of my childhood there, where the dark days seem to roam. I left my aged father there, and my mother so dear unto me, I left a brother and a sister fair, and a little girl that played upon my knee. Don't Ginny remember, will she e’er forget those many hours of pleasure to me. Does she sigh when she thinks of those many happy hours, when a little girl she played upon my knee ? ( ) I am homeward bound with the thrills of joy of my wandering so far o'er the sea. I shall soon see my home, my old native home and the little girl that played upon my knee. ( ) I am tired of life, I cannot live, in this dark world so weary unto me. Come bury me low by the one I love so well, by the little girl that played upon my knee.

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