-KICK IT OVER by THE . Album: Super Black Market Clash # main riff # the song goes like this: G:|-------------------------------| D:|-------------------------------| A:|-2-2-----------2-2-------------| E:|-----0/222-2-2-----0/2222-2-2--| but is't better than you play like this: G:|-------------------------------| D:|-------------------------------| A:|-2-2-----------2-2-------------| D:|-----2/444-4-4-----2/4444-4-4--| # riff1 # somewhere at the end G:|------------------------| D:|------------------------| A:|-2-2-----------2-2------| E:|-----2-2-----------2-2--| Sometimes the rhythm of the main riff changes. Tabbed by Paukovics Gergő 2003.08.07. [email protected]