verse 1 The time has come for me to speak Uh oh, the time has come And while the silence picks on me I pray to not be dumb verse 2 So I am hunting for the words Just wait 'til I find some I need some syllables, do you Know where to get them from? verse 3 When I am in my house alone My speeches take a week___ But from my lips when you are near A sound will seldom leak______ verse 4 When I was a little girl I coined a mighty text Looking back I blush to hear What I'd come out with next Verse 5 Is now the time for me to speak But what if they talk back Oh, when I open up my beak I hope that I can quack Verse 6 And if I do, look out, beware The truth is hard to take___ And everything for all I care Can jump into a lake______ Verse 7 Is now the time for me to speak But what if they talk back Oh, when I open up my beak I hope that I can quack

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