Tab: "I will not take these things for granted" by Toad the Wet Sprocket Transcribed by Michael Mazur ([email protected]) All guitars are capoed at second fret. Intro and verses: |--------------------------------------------------| |-------------(0)----------------------------------| |--------------0-----------------------0-----------| |--------4-----------4-----------4-----------4-----| |--5-----------------------5-----------------------| |-----3-----3-----3-----3-----3-----3-----3-----0--| |--------------------------------------------------| |-------------(1)----------------------------------| |--------------0-----------------------0-----------| |--------2-----------2-----------2-----------2--0--| |--3-----------------------3-----------------------| |-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1--------| The notes in parenthesis are only played during the verses. During the secong and third verses, another guitar comes in and strumg G-F over these two figures. At the end of the verses, the last measure is an E chord changing to , and back again to E: |-------------| |--0-------0--| |--1--1h2--1--| |--2--2----2--| |--2--2----2--| |--0--0----0--| For the chorus, with the lines "I will not take these things...", the chords are I will not take these things for granted I will not take these things... The second guitar just picks through these chords, while the first one strums them. Then the second verse, same guitar as the first, but starting on the After the second verse is the prechorus, "I'm listening...", which is simply , repeated, and then ending on a G: The second chorus is much the same as the first: I will not take these things for granted I will not take these things for granted I will not take these things for granted I will not take these things... The last verse and prechorus are the same as before. The ending chorus - solo is just the below line, played over , repeated until the fade out. |--------------------------------||--------------| |-----------1--0--1--0--1/3--1---||--0--1--0--0--| |*-------0----------------------*||-----------0--| |*--0h2-------------------------*||-----------0--| |--------------------------------||--------------| |--------------------------------||--------------|