One of the best songs on "Undertow", it often gets overlooked beacuse of its long opening. As with lots of Tool songs, it's Drop tuned. Bear with me. My rhythem ain't so good / = slide up \ = slide down ~ = bend Opening: (slowly) low D: -0--0--6--6-6----6/////////12--12 Opening Part Riff: d -5--5-6-6-6-6-0-3-3-3-2-0-0-0 muted 2-3------0 A -5--5-6-6-6-6-0-3-3-3-2-0-0-0 then 2-3------0 D -5--5-6-6-6-6-0-3-3-3-2-0-0-0 slowly 2-3------0 lowder When Opening Part Riff is repeated: d -5--5-6-6-6-6-0-3-3-3-2-0-0-0-6 | A -5--5-6-6-6-6-0-3-3-3-2-0-0-0-6 :| rinse and repeat D -5--5-6-6-6-6-0-3-3-3-2-0-0-0-6 | Main Part Riff (single string): A -3-5-6-5-0-3-5-0-6-5-0-3-0 :| rinse and repeat Main Part Riff (chords): d -3-5-6-5-0-3-5-0-6-5-0-3-0 :| A -3-5-6-5-0-3-5-0-6-5-0-3-0 :| rinse and repeat -3-5-6-5-0-3-5-0-6-5-0-3-0 :| When Maynard says "This ground is not the rock I thought it would be", you play: d -3---3---3---3---0-0--0-0--0-0--0-0 A -3---3---3---3---0-0--0-0--0-0--0-0 D -3---3---3---3---0-0--0-0--0-0--0-0 When he says "I was wrong. This changes everything", you play: d -5----------0 0 A -5-let ring-0 "I was wrong" 0 "This..." D -5----------0 0 bend and slowly release d -0/////////////10----9-10-12------12~~~~~~~ d -13-12--10-12--13-12--10--10-12-13-12--17-15--15\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3 I'm not sure which notes to play for the "Runnin' away" part. Sorry. Be careful to listen for variations when they don't play the open note. For example, they play: A -3-5-6-5---3-5---6-5---3-- :| you know the drill Ending Riff: d -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-1-2-3 A -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-1-2-3 D -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-1-2-3 d -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-3-4-2 A -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-3-4-2 D -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-3-4-2 d -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-1-2-3 A -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-1-2-3 D -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-1-2-3 d -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-33333 A -0--0--0--6--0--5--0--8--0-33333