All Because of You


All Because of You (IPOD Announcement, October 26, 2004) Tabbed by DiscothequeLP ([email protected]) Standard tuning...this song is pretty hard the first time but once you get the hang if it its simple. Play barred chords for everything. Intro: (let ring) \/ G D A E e|-3-----------x--5--0-0---| b|-3-----------7--5--0-0---| g|-4-----------7--6--1-1---| d|-5-----------7--7--2-2---| (4x) a|-5-----------5--7--2-2---| E|-3-----------x--5--0-0---| E G D G5/A5 G5/A5 e|-0--0----3--x-------------| b|-0--0----3--7-------------| g|-1--1----4--7-------------| d|-2--2----5--7---5/7---5/7-| (4x) a|-2--2----5--5---5/7---5/7-| E|-0--0----3--x---3/5---3/5-| Verse E D D A e|-0------0-0-----x---x----5-| b|-0------0-0-----7---7----5-| g|-1------1-1-----7---7----6-| d|-2------2-2-----7---7----7-| (3x) a|-2------2-2-----5---5----7-| E|-0------0-0-----x---x----5-| I was born a child of grace..... A D G e|------5----5--5---x--x--3-3-| b|------5----5--5---7--7--3-3-| g|------6----6--6---7--7--4-4-| d|------7----7--7---7--7--5-5-| a|------7----7--5---5--5--5-5-| E|------5----5--5---x--x--3-3-| You left me no illusions... Play Verse 2x, then go to Chorus... Chorus D Db/D Db A e|-x-----x-x--x----5-5-----| b|-7-----6/7--6----5-5-----| g|-7-----6/7--6----6-6-----| d|-7-----6/7--6----7-7-----| (3x) a|-5-----4/5--4----7-7-----| E|-x-----x-x--x----5-5-----| All because of you... E G D G5/A5 G5/A5 e|-0--0----3--x-------------| b|-0--0----3--7-------------| g|-1--1----4--7-------------| d|-2--2----5--7---5/7---5/7-| (2x) a|-2--2----5--5---5/7---5/7-| E|-0--0----3--x---3/5---3/5-| I am... Back to the verse twice for the second verse, then the Chorus again. After the Chorus, the bridge... Bridge G A Bm e|-3---3----5-5---7-7-| b|-3---3----5-5---7-7-| g|-4---4----6-6---7-7-| d|-5---5----7-7---9-9-| (3x) a|-5---5----7-7---9-9-| E|-3---3----5-5---7-7-| Ohhhh, ohh.... D A e|-x---x-x---5----5-5-| b|-7---7-7---5----5-5-| g|-7---7-7---6----6-6-| d|-7---7-7---7----7-7-| (3x) {The 3rd time, end with a big A a|-5---5-5---7----7-7-| E|-x---x-x---5----5-5-| Higher(?)... Then play the entire intro, then to this other part... Other part (same as the 2nd part of the intro) E G D G5/A5 G5/A5 e|-0--0----3--x-------------| b|-0--0----3--7-------------| g|-1--1----4--7-------------| d|-2--2----5--7---5/7---5/7-| (4x) a|-2--2----5--5---5/7---5/7-| E|-0--0----3--x---3/5---3/5-| I'm alive, I'm bein' born... Then play the first part of the verse, and at the end (I am!) finish with a big open E.