Angel Dressed In Black Warren Zevon, Waddy Wachtel and Julia Mueller () ()sofa, ()crack, ()self about My ()black. I ()hours ago, I ()back. ()patiently for My ()black. ()rain, ()rain, ()rain. ()home right now So ()act, I've ()prise for her, My ()black. My little ()angel, She's the Queen ()Downtown, She gets a()round town, My angel dressed in ()black. My little ()angel, She's the Queen ()Downtown, She gets a()round town, My angel dressed in ()black. () I'm ()paranoid, I'm ()track, I'm ()lucinate My ()black. She ()rested, She ()tacked, She ()dead somewhere, My ()black. ()rain, ()rain, ()rain. ()sofa, ()crack, ()self about My ()black. My little ()angel, She's the Queen ()Downtown, She gets a()round town, My angel dressed in ()black. My little ()angel, She's the Queen ()Downtown, She gets a()round town, My angel dressed in ()black. My little ()angel, She's the Queen ()Downtown, She gets a()round town, My angel dressed in ()black. My little ()angel, She's the Queen ()Downtown, She gets a()round town, My angel dressed in ()black.