Friends as Lovers


()wasn't mine ()or just my kind ()talking cheap ()be ()town ()friends as lovers love()rs as friends ()night ()and pours out time ()friends and lovers ()lovers and friends ()be () ()town ()or stay as lovers ()or stay as friends ()there’s no prayers ()light ()flagging goals ()you're missing sides 'cause ()the one and ()be () ()town ()us as lovers ()lovers as friends ()to your face ()to speak alone ()to your back ()among the proud ()we're friends with lovers ()lovers with friends and ()be () ()train ()i see lovers ()i see friends ()darling boy you’re ()on my mind, she says ()i feel your skin as if ()it’s mine ()this pain it sweet ()too sweet to touch and ()be ()shadow of your lives in ()town ()friends as lovers ()lovers as friends and ()be than where ()now ()town ()i'm your lover ()i'm your friend

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