Intro: New York is a long way from Texas Vegas is a long way from Abilene I spend lots of my time flying out to LA And if you've never been there you don't know how lonesome big towns can be Oh what I'd give to be a country girl again To be with my people my man and my kids To live in a house about a mile down the road from mama Oh Lord what I'd give to be a country girl again To go walking down a country road at sunset And see colors you could almost touch right over head To hear the gentle breeze is blowing at the treetops No out in the country there is no talk that God is dead Oh what I'd give to be a country girl again To be with my people my man and my kids To live in a house about a mile down the road from mama Oh Lord what I'd give to be a country girl again Oh what I'd give to be a country girl again

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