I Was Just Flipped Off By A Silver Haired Old Lady

Antsy McClain

I was just flipped off by a silver haired old lady, with a honk if you love Jesus sticker on the bumper of her car. I was feeling pretty Christian, I was loving all my neighbors, When I saw that bumper sticker there, I didn't think twice. My hand went for my horn, And I pushed it with conviction. When I saw that lady's finger, It 'Bout put my heart on ice. And it makes me want to cry, But I may never have the gumption now To read those one line sermons in bright yellow, black and white. I've been buoyed up so many times While stuck in rush hour traffic, And forgive me Lord, for saying, But my faith is weak tonight. You say, 'Maybe it's a rental. She could be the second owner. She could be a Godless sinner In a loaner from a friend.' While that helps (I do feel better), I just can't help but see it As a sign the world is doomed, And we're that much closer to The End. Chorus