1 I got the happy news, oh boy One more bud in the flowerbed. Really really happy for you and your little boy. And your family and the joy, future will bring Ch. So welcome to the 4:th of July. It's independence day whatever it's 5:th or 8:th or 12:th As long as you both feeling good, we will be pleased. On that long and bumpy road, that we call life. 2 Second time around and your daughter smile. She´s gonna be the big sister at last. Before you even notice you will give a new life. So the best to you my friend and cardigan girl. Ch. So welcome to the 4:th of July. It's independence day whatever it's 5:th or 8:th or 12:th As long as you both feeling good, we will be pleased. On that long and bumpy road, that we call life. bridge This country tunes may not be to hot in your ears. But every guy from Tennessee would write the same as I do now. Ch. So welcome to the 4:th of July. It's independence day whatever it's 5:th or 8:th or 12:th As long as you both feeling good, we will be pleased. On that long and bumpy road, that we call life.

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