Tablature Notation Notes: For chords: e------------ e---5--/6----| B---6--/7---- B---5--/6----| G---6--/7---- G---6--/7----| D---6--/7---- D---7--/8----| A---4--/5---- A---7--/8----| E------------ E---5--/6----| b = bend note h = hammer on p = pull off r = release bend ~ = sustain note / = slide up to note(s) INTRO: , see above) - repeat numerous times! (I usually delete the following vocal vamp, and go right into the first verse) Ever have one of those days when it seems like everybody is getting on your case from your teacher all the way down to your best girlfriend? Well I used to have them just about all the time... But I found a way to get out of it... Let me tell you about it! First Verse: Sitting in the classroom thinking it's a drag. Listening to the teacher well just aint my bag. The noon bells ring you know that's my cue. I'm gonna meet the boys on floor number two Chorus: Smokin' in the Boys Room, Yes indeed, I was Smokin' in the Boys Room Now teacher don't you fill me up with your rules. Everybody knows that ~ Smoking aint allowed in school. Verse 2: (Chord patterns are same as Verse 1) Checking out the halls making sure the coast is clear. Looking in the stalls, no, there aint nobody here. My buddy Fang, and me and Paul, To get caught would surely be the death of us all. Chorus 2: (Same as first chorus) Harmonica Lead Chords: (2 measures) (2 measures) (2 measures) (2 measures) Guitar Lead: (Chords are same as Harmonica Lead) e-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| B-15-15-15-18b20---15-20b22-18b20-15~--18-15-18b20-18~------------------------| G-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| D-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -15----------15----15-17b19r17p15-17-15-17------------------------------------| ----17~---16----16------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------17-17-17-17--------------------------------| -15-17b19r17p15-17-15-17-15--17b19~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------17-17-17-17------------------------------------------------------------| -17b19~~~~~~~~~~~~-17b19r17---------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Third Verse: (Chord patterns are same as Verse 1) They put me to work in the School Book Store. Check-out counter and I got bored. The teacher was looking for me all around. two hours later, you know where I was found. Chorus: (Same as first chorus) Repeat Chorus: Smokin' in the Boys Room, Yes indeed, I was Smokin' in the Boys Room Now teacher, I am Fully aware of the rules. Everybody knows that (stop) Smoking aint allowed in school. Ending: ([email protected])