verse 1 Can I de- pend on your light pur-ty moon While I'm hold-in' her tight sil-ver moon Will you be there a-bove help-in' me with my love Can I de- pend on your light mis-ter moon Ev-'ry time you're shin-in' there's ro- mance in the air Please set her heart a-pin- in' an tell her I'll be there As I look in her eye's, pur-ty moon Will you look from the sky, sil-ver moon If I ask her to be mine, will you stand by me Will you help me to-night, mis-ter moon verse 2 If we're wed in the mid-dle of june Will you shine bright for our hon-ey moon When you shine you make love seem to come a-bove Will I see you to-night, mis-ter moon Seems your gold- en' beau-ty just makes the per-fect night Some- how it seems my cut-ie looks cut-er by your light There'll be just us three, pur-ty moon You and her, her and me, sil-ver moon For help-ing our ro-mance, I thank you in ad-vance an' I'll see you to-night, mis-ter moon