Grace has come upon me you save us from misery though the world is full of sins regret is the last thing you see your mercy lord has given me a freedom for eternity this is my thanks for you lord a sign of gratitude though its nothing much let your will be done forever I worship you lord i live to bring you praise i live because your grace its defining love the sorrow that you carry the burden that had been prayed your willing soul and humble heart has given me a brand new start your mercy lord has given me a freedom for eternity this is my thanks for you lord a sign of gratitude though its nothing much let your will be done forever I worship you lord i live to bring you praise i live because your grace its defining love love you lord love you for everything thank you lord thank you for everything this is my thanks for you lord a sign of gratitude though its nothing much let your will be done forever I worship you lord i live to bring you praise i live because your grace its defining love

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