(VERSE I) Last year we had a bumper crop, When them white oak acorns started to drop So many I twisted my ankle walkin' to the stand Everywhere you look was a sweet resentin', Bigger round than a Florida lemon Was a white tail grocery store all over the land But this spring during turkey season, Jack frost came and he went to freezin' Everything with a bumble bee, a bud or a bloom Then summer came and there weren't no rain,Everybody said what a cryin' shame And the DNR predicted deer season was doomed (PREChorus) Well me and my buddies we got to thinking Sittin' around one night drinking How we gonna fill up our deer tags Then a light went off I started to grin, I remembered 'bout my big grain bin We started fillin' up fifty pound bags Of them yella acorns They're worth their weight in gold Im gonna have more meat than my old deep freeze can hold With all them yella acorns you'll have them eatin' from your hands Just don't get yourself busted by the man VERSE II We filled us up a dump truck load My farm looked like the yella brick road Ain't this much corn in Nebraska or Illinois Then a monster buck he come a sniffin around I was about to lay that old hammer down When i heard a voice say "Get down from there, boy!" Well I showed the warden my warnin' sign That I posted up on my property line that said This here corns to feed the birds and the squirrels aight Let me make just one thing clear, Any deer caught feedin' here is trespassin' And will be shot on sight (PREChorus) And then he slipped them cuffs around my arms, Took all I had except the farm Took my truck my gun, took my cold beer Now the only deer that I see is on TV and in the magazines And I learned my lesson and now im steerin' clear Of them yella acorns, They'll land your butt in jail This orange jumpsuit ain't worth an ol' white tail Yella acorns you'll have them eatin' from your hands Just don't get yourself busted by the man

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