Arbeter froyen, laydnde froyen! Froyen, vos shmakhtn in hoyz un fabrik Vos shteyt ir fun vaytn? vos helft ir nit boyen Dem templ fun frayhayt, fun mentshlekhn glik? Helft undz trogn dem baner dem roytn Forverts, durkh shturem, durkh finstere nekht! Helft undz vorhayt un likht tsu farshpreytn Tsvishn umvisende, elente knekht! Hardworking women, arbeter women Women who labor in factories and homes Join in the fight for its only beginning And no one should stand in the struggle alone Let us all carry the reg flag together Weathering storms in the dark of the night Building a temple of freedom forever Helping each other to carry the light Ya da dai dai etc How many daughters, sisters, and mothers Have given their lives for the things they believe Mighty as lions they fight for each other For freedom and justice and equality We`ll carry the banner as sisters and brothers Waking the world to the light of the day As friends and companions, as comrades and lovers Arbeter froyen, show us the way Solo Helft undz di velt fun ir shmuts derheybn! Ales opfern, vos undz iz lib Kemfn tsuzamen, vi mekhtike leybn Far frayhayt, far glaykhhayt, far undzer printsip! Ya da dai dai etc