Tune waaaay down for this one. From low to high, I play it as C G C G C E. verse E|-----|--^----|--------------|-----|----|-------------------------------------- B|-----|--{0---|--------------|--0--|-0--|-------------------------------------- G|--0--|--}0---|--play 4------|.-0--|-0-.|-------------------------------------- D|--0--|--{5---|--times, then-|.-7--|\5-.|-------------------------------------- A|--0--|--}5---|--------------|--7--|\5--|-------------------------------------- E|--0--|--{5---|--------------|--7--|\5--|-------------------------------------- chorus E|-----------|-----------|----------|------------------------------------------| B|-0-0-x-0---|-----------|----------|------------------------------------------| G|-0-0-x-0---|-5-5-x-5---|-4 times,-|.--0-0-0---0-0------0---0-0--0-0---0-----.| D|-0-0-x-0---|-5-5-x-5---|--then----|.--0-0-0---0-0------0---0-0--0-0---0--10-.| A|-0-0-x-0---|-5-5-x-5---|----------|-3/5-5-5---5-5/7\5--5/7-7-7--7-7\5-7--10--| E|-0-0-x-0---|-5-5-x-5---|----------|---0-0-0---0-0------0---0-0--0-0---0-(10)-| And that's about it. Hey, it ain't rocket science, but the kids seem to like it. Matt Estela ( [email protected] ) Diana Ah Naid - I go off For those of us with normal guitars :) I play on 3rd fret, sorry I ain't a trained musician so I have to refer to an X chord which is played the following e(g) ----- a(c) --2-- d(f) ----- g(a#) --2-- b(d) --2-- e(g) ----- and X' which is played e(g) --x-- a(c) ----- d(f) --2-- g(a#) --1-- b(d) ----- e(g) ----- c(shape of a) is played 002220, f is played xx0232 so the pattern for the song is: c(hard down) x'(soft) (x4) f(soft) c(soft) (x4) c\ \/\ (I go o-o- f\ /\ (ff, if you don't believe it) (x3) c\ \/\ (and I- go- f(soft) (off, you're not listening very) c\ \/ \ / \ \ x\ \/ c\ x\ (open bottom two strings) (x2) and so on for the rest of the song. I hope this is useful and that you can work it into a tab :) btw for if you insist I play it on 3rd capo with e3|----------------------------------------| a3|--0-------0-------0-3---2---------------| d3|----2-------2-----------------------2---| g3|----2-------2-------------0---2--0------| b3|----2-------2---------------------------| e3|----------------------------------------| good luck and thanks :) -- Andrew Owens 2nd year Chem/CompSci E-mail: [email protected] Murdoch University E-mail 2: [email protected] Perth, W.A. Web: http://www.psinet.net.au/~shuttle/

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