Improve The Silence


written by from "IMPROVE THE SILENCE" album tabbed by Rapier NOTE: The tunning might be lower, but it sounds very good on standart. for the first two riffs use tremolo picking. Some parts of this song remind me of metallica's "Horsemen" Riff 1 G|---------------------------------------------| let the final note D|---------------------------------------------| ring a little bit A|-(*)-----------------------------------------| more than the rest E|-5-5-3000000300030000000000003000000300000-1-| *: played once at the intro Riff 2 G|------------| D|------------| A|------------| E|-0000-3-0-5-| Riff 3 G|-----| Let ring for D|-----| about 8 mesuares A|-----| E|--0--| Riff 4 G|--------------------------| D|--------------3--2------3-| A|-------------------3--2---| E|-0303030303---------------| Riff 5 G|------------------------| D|------------3--2------3-| A|-----------------3--2---| E|-00000000---------------| Riff 6 G|--------------------| This is the D|--------------------| slow part A|-------------3-2----| E|-0---0-2-3-------3--| Riff 7 (2:57) G|-------------------------------------| This is during the solo D|-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------| E|-1-000-1-000-00000000000-1-000-1-000-| Riff 8 (3:29) G|---------------------------| This riff goes with D|---------------------------| the drums and is quite A|---------------------------| similar to "Horsemen" E|-0-R-0-R-0-R-0-R-0-R-0-R-0-| Riff 9 (4:01) G|-------| The last note ends D|-------| abruptly A|-------| E|-5-5-0-| Total time 4:02

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