Verse: Not to win, not to fight Not for profit, or to prove that I'm right Not for show, no facade Sackcloth and ashes alone aren't accepted by God But to give, and to unlock the doors To take from my hand and to place it in yours To break every yoke and to cut loose the chains To give clothes to the naked, and a roof from the rain Not to steal, or demand what is due Not to lie, and pretend that it's true Not to speak, nor to do as I please Not to harden my heart to the dying and to live at my ease But to give You my life without keeping a part To return to my God and repent with my heart To throw open the door to the One locked outside Then to worship the King without falseness or pride Then Your light will arise and break through like the sun And Your righteousness shine when obedience is done Guarded by God and led forth by the Lamb When you cry out with your voice, He will say, "Here I am!" Not to win, not to fight Not for profit, or to prove that I'm right Not for show, no facade Sackcloth and ashes alone aren't accepted by God when playing a7 play normal A add finger to 1st string 3rd fret when playing e7 just play 5 string of 2nd fret dsus2 like normal only lift finger off 1st string. how i play it and how it sounds on this aint the you can play if you think it sounds better,its up to u play around with it.if you need help for strum patteren or finger picking let me know...if theres any don francisco fans out there wanting more songs chords just ask... i try to keep chords simple so that newbee guitar players can play them hope u enjoy.......w.B.M