Being a pirate is all fun and games Till somebody loses an ear; It drips down your neck, and it falls on the deck. Till someone shouts out, 'Oy, what's this 'ere? You can't wear your glasses, nor chat up the lasses, Your friends have to shout so you'll hear; Being a pirate is all fun and games, till somebody loses an ear. But it's all part, of being a pirate (a pirate) You can't be a pirate, with all of your parts; It's all part, of being a pirate (a pirate) You can't be a pirate, with all of your parts. Being a pirate is all fun and games Till somebody loses an eye; It stings like the blazes, it makes you pull faces, You can't let your mates see you cry. A dashing black patch will cover the hatch, And make sure that the socket stays dry; Being a pirate is all fun and games, Till somebody loses an eye. Being a pirate is all fun and games, Till somebody loses a hand; It spurts and it squirts and it jolly well hurts, Pain only a pirate could stand. The fash'nable look is a nice metal hook, But now you can't play in the band; Being a pirate is all fun and games,Till Somebody loses a hand. Being a pirate is all fun and games, Till somebody loses a leg; It hurts like the dickens, your pace never quickens, Hopping around on a peg. Ask your sweetheart to marry, too long you've tarried, 'Cause now you can't kneel down and beg; Being a pirate is all fun and games, till somebody loses a leg. Being a pirate is all fun and games, Till somebody loses a head; It falls with a thud and is covered in blood, And your beard is all sticky and red. You cant comb your hair, cos your heads over there, But besides that by now you'd be dead; Being a pirate is all fun and games, Till Somebody loses a head. So all be aware - it hardly seems fair, But you can't be a pirate - if you are all there!