White Silver Sands:Don Rondo. #21 in 1957. #1. Where the deep, blue pearly waters, wash upon, white silver sands. There on the brink, of love I kissed her, and obeyed, our hearts command. #2. Where the deep, blue pearly waters, wash upon, white silver sands. We watched the sun set in the evening, in a far and distant land. Chorus: So beneath, God's blue Heaven.. There's a place, that I must go. See the sun, set in the evening, with the only, girl I know. REPEAT#1. Chorus:#2. We watched the sun set in the evening, see the moon, yellow and pale. We watched the gauchos ride their pintos, all across the Pampas trail. REPEAT:#1. A fifties smash from Kraziekhat.

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