You Rescued Me, Geoff Bullock From: [email protected] (Travis Gandy) INTRO: VERSE 1: You res-cued me, and picked me up, A living hope of grace revealed. A life transformed, in righteousness. O Lord, You have rescued me. VERSE 2: For-giv-ing me_, You healed my heart And set me free from sin and death. You brought me life, You've made me whole. O Lord, You have rescued me. Chorus: And You loved me, before I knew You, And You knew me for all time. I've been cre-at-ed in Your i - mage, O Lord, And You bought me, and You sought me, Your blood poured out for me, A new cre-a-tion in Your i - mage, O Lord. ) You rescued me, You rescued me. Words and Music by Geoff Bullock © 1993 Word, Inc. (US) (Admin. by Word, Inc.) (Admin. in Australasia by Nightlight Music Pty., Ltd.) CCLI Song ID #1406011