Was - n't it yes - ter - day, I was eight years old I had a poc - et full of rocks that I knew were made of sol - id gold There were girls to be ha - ted trees to be climbed, forts to be built, there was so much time; It's good to be alive good to be alive There's no - thing in the world like be - ing fif - teen: Your poc - kets are empty, but your head is full of dreams of girls to be loved, of plac - es to see it's the best and the worst, just my friends and me and we're anything we want to be And it's good to be a - live feel the wind in my face, see the blue in the sky; It's days like this I re-al-lize what a gift it is, it's good to be a - live Well, I won - der what this day will see. Will I find my dreams or stare in the face of tra - ge - dy; What - ever may come , what - ever may be of this I am sure, I'm for - given and free; And I will live like I be - lieve. It's good to be a - live