Preacher, I'd say its been a while since you heard this request, but my spirit is tired, and I need rest. I want to hear from heaven, a clear word from God, a sermon of conviction straight from the heart. I've been hearin' other preachers say I don't have to change, the most eloquent of speakers tell me I'm okay, but it hasn't eased my conscience, and I know its not the truth, so when you stand before us, can I count on you? Oh preacher, you say you want to be my friend, don't be afraid to call my sin what it is. And preacher, tell me I can overcome, but its only by the blood of the lamb . Don't tell me like I wish it was, preacher tell me like it is. so open up the word and let the spirit lead preach until i've heard God speak to me don't worry 'bout my feelings don't worry 'bout my shame just preach the cross of Jesus and that I'm to blame. Oh preacher, you say you want to be my friend, don't be afraid to call my sin what it is. And preacher, tell me I can overcome, but its only by the blood of the lamb . Don't tell me like I wish it was, preacher tell me like it is. Life is quickly passing, the world is fading fast, and the foolishness of preaching is the only hope we have. So preacher, you say you want to be my friend, don't be afraid to call my sin what it is. And preacher, tell me I can overcome, but its only by the blood of the lamb . Don't tell me like I wish it was, preacher tell me like it is.