You'll be a bright light Coming out of the dark While the doctors blinking hard You'll be lightning Coming out of the storm it's a message, it's a miracle You'll do alright You've got your mother's eyes You've got your daddy's hands Everything you need For this hard ride They'll be strapping you on All the ups and downs And you can't get off Yeah it's trouble We're handing off And you gotta do better than us It'll be alright You got lots of time You got your daddy's love Everything you want I can feel you and What you're gonna be you'll be stronger, you'll be smarter than me Oh baby I'll say it again You're the most incredible thing Sorry this is it It's cold and hard and badly lit and there's no backing out of it So forget where you've been It'll never be that good again We must only look ahead Soon you're thirty-three And everything you've tried to be Was pulled apart by fear and greed But y____? has built you up And carved your face in honest rock With sunlight on your noble jaw But y____? has built you up I'm happy that you've come along I'm happy that you've come I'm happy that you've come solo Oh baby, I'll say it again, I'll say it again I'll say it again You're the most incredible thing

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