Sons of the south awake arise Sons of the south and do Banish from under your bonny skies Those old world errors and wrong and lies Making a hell in paradise C D That belongs to your sons and you Sons of the south make a choice between Sons of the south choose true The land of morn' and the land of e'en The old dead tree and the young true green The land that belongs to the lord and queen The land that belongs to you Sons of the south, your time will come Sons of the south, your time is near Like the sullen sounds of a distant drum In the ominous atmosphere Instrumental then repeat above 4 lines Sons of the south aroused at last Sons of the south are few But your ranks grow longer and deeper fast And ye shall swell to an army vast Free from the wrongs of the north and past The land that belongs to you Sons of the south awake arise Sons of the south and do Free from the wrongs of the north and past The land that belongs to you Repeat first verse Submitted by Ric Raftis Any corrections, suggestions can be emailed to [email protected]

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