This song is in the chord G. I found it at Theres the music there if you need to hear it. Measure 1 -------------------------------------------------- --3----3------------------------------------------ --0----------------------------------------------- --0----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --3----------------------------------------------- Measure 2 --0-------------3--------------------------------- ------3----3----3--------------------------------- ------0----0----0--------------------------------- ------0----0----0--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------3----3----3--------------------------------- Measure 3 ----2--------------------------------------------- ----3---------3----3------------------------------ ----2---------2----------------------------------- ----0----0----0----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Measure 4 ----0--------------5------------------------------ ---------3----3----3------------------------------ ---------2----2----2------------------------------ ---------0----0----0------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Measure 5 ----3--------------------------------------------- ----0---------3----3------------------------------ ----0---------0----------------------------------- ----0---------0----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----3----3----3----------------------------------- Measure 6 ---10----7----3----------------------------------- ----0----0----0----------------------------------- ----0----0----0----------------------------------- ----0----0----0----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Measure 7 ----2----0----8----8------------------------------ ----1----1---------------------------------------- ----0----0---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----3----3---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Measure 8 ----7----3----5----------------------------------- ----0----0----3----------------------------------- ----0----0----2----------------------------------- ----0----0----0----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Measure 9 ----3--------------------------------------------- ----0--------------------------------------------- ----0--------------------------------------------- ----0--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----3--------------------------------------------- Notes 3:4 time Measure 2 On beat 1, strum to the 1st string, on beat 2, strum to the 2nd string. Block the 1st with the side of your hand. On beat 3, place the 4th finger lightly on the 3rd fret. Leave the 3rd finger where it is. Measure 3 We are going to change from this G chord to a D chord, and we are going to do it in a very effective way. The 3rd & 4th fingers stays down, and we keep the fingers firm, with all the arm weight going through them. This allows us to have the other fingers light while we move them. So, with 3 & 4 still down, we place the 1st finger on it's note, and we place the 2nd finger behind the 4th finger. AFTER these fingers are in place, we remove the 4th finger. We now have the D chord, and we switched to it in a very economical way. This chord change should be practiced separately each practice session, using No Tempo and Slow Tempo practice. Measure 4 On beat 1, simply remove the 2nd finger. The tricky part here is the chord change on the 3rd beat. Try this: prepare the left hand for the change by replacing the 3rd finger with the 2nd finger on beat 2. That is, while playing Beat 1, sneak the 2nd finger right behind the 3rd which is playing then 3rd fret of the 2nd string. Then before playing beat 2, switch the 2nd finger for the 3rd. This allows you to turn your hand and bring the 4th finger close to the 1st string, 5th fret, which is needed for beat 3. When you get to beat 3, simply drop 4 into place and strum. Watch that 3rd finger. Although it is not being used, keep it relaxed, separate from the 2nd finger, and low to the string. Measure 5 Careful here as you move the left arm out from the body to go back to the G chord at the 3rd fret. The 4th finger is your guide, staying on the string as you move down. While you move, the 2nd finger extends over to the 6th string, ready to drop on the 3rd fret when you arrive. Watch your hand as you practice this move No Tempo. Watch your 3rd finger also, which must stay relaxed and ready for it's job on the 3rd beat, where it drops on the 2nd string. Measure 6 Time for a big move up the neck. Fortunately, it is an easy move, because only the 4th finger is needed, and it stays on the string as a guide as we slide up. During the slide, you must remain relaxed AND you must keep the other fingers CLOSE to the strings, light, and relaxed. In fact, allow the 1st finger to lightly touch the 1st string also as you slide up. Have it stop at the 7th fret, so you end up in your new position with 4 on the 10th fret, and 1 on the 7th. Then, do your strums. On the 3rd beat you need to slide back down the neck, ending with the 4th finger on the 3rd fret. Again, keep the 1st finger on the string as a guide until you get 4 into place. In fact, in your no tempo practice, make contact with the string on your way down by letting 4 touch the string AS the arm shifts down. Measure 7 (Note: Follow the tab here instead of the notes for the first chord. The computer insisted on making the top of the first chord an E instead of an F#, which it should be!) You need to get into a C chord WITH the 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 1st string. This note is not a part of the C chord, but it IS the melody note of the song. You may say when you play this "Yuck, that sounds terrible". That's because it is a very "dissonant" note. It creates a lot of "tension" with the chord, but on the next beat it resolves into a normal chord tone. This "tension and resolution" is found all the time in music, and is part of what makes a melody, or music in general, emotionally satisfying. It's like watching a movie, and seeing the hero get into trouble, and then get out of it: tension, and resolution. In music, when a note is placed on a chord temporarily that is not really a part of the chord, it is called a "non-harmonic tone". This F# is a non-harmonic tone. On beat 2, you take the 2nd finger off, and play a normal C chord, with the open 1st string on top (E). On beat 3, we need a high C melody note, so lightly place the 4th finger on the 1st string, and slide up to the 8th fret. Measure 8 Place the 3rd finger on it's note BEFORE taking 4 off, and simply transfer arm weight from the 4th to the 3rd finger. On beat 2, slide down to the 3rd fret with the 2nd finger. Watch the 4th finger as you do so, and position it close to the 5th fret for its note on beat 3. Keep it relaxed and ready to be used. Touch it to the string, then lift 2 and move it to it's new note on the 2nd string, and also move 1 onto its note on the 2nd fret, 3rd string. If you have trouble with this chord, Pose on it. Measure 9 Slide 4 down to the 3rd fret, place 2 on the 6th string, Congratulations! You have reached the finish line. Now go cut the cake!

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