Recorded by Jean Shepard Writer: V. F. Stewart told Of love and affection, that's purer than gold They meet and they love and he makes her his wi-fe And Life. true Wherever you go, I'll be thinking of you You say you don't want me, you wish to be fr-ee If be. It's a someone so sweet Can feet They'll wi-fe And Life. When Daddy told Mother, 'til death do us part He said it and meant it, right from the heart But now it is different, how people have chang-ed The words of the bible, they don't mean a thing. God made the ocean, the land and the trees He made the flowers, the birds and the bees Why He permits all this trouble and str-ife That is just one of The Mysteries Of Life. SOURCE: JEAN SHEPARD-HELLO OLD BROKEN HEART/PICKWICK JS-6049

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