If you could see me now...you'd see joy and laughter in my eyes I'm swinging on a swing set in the sky...No you wouldn't cry If you could see me now...every single tear would be erased By the love that shines on Jesus' face...oh what a place I never played with my brothers and my sisters in the yard I never was rocked to sleep in my mother's arms But the arms that hold me are the same arms that made me I know you miss me...I wish you could see your baby. If you could see me now... Even though you are looking through a broken heart You wouldn't bring me back to where you are.. I'm dancing on a star If you could see me now... We're all eating cake and ice cream Oops I got some chocolate on my wings It's a party just for me. Daddy will you read a bedtime story sometimes just for me Mama I'll come and see you now and then in your dreams So don't waste another moment worrying about what might've been Jesus loves me and you know I'm with Him If you could see me now I'd tell you That you're up here way too soon And God still has some things for you to do CM7 And I'll see you when you're through