You and me and a bottle of screw-top wine We headed out to the lake for a little un- plug and un- wind In my old Silve- rado, draggin' your daddy's boat be- hind Not a cloud in the sky on the Fourth Of July Chorus And it felt like freedom It felt like breakin' those chains It felt like leavin' be- hind us, the troubles be- hind us And never lookin' back again, it felt like freedom Instrumental Gran- daddy used to say some- things never change I think he must've been right, 'cause baby, it still feels the same When I put my arms a- round you, it takes me right back to that night And those fireworks in your eyes, rockin' that boat on the Fourth Of July Chorus And it feels like freedom It feels like breakin' those chains It feels like leavin' be- hind us, the troubles be- hind us And never lookin' back again, it feels like freedom Instrumental Bridge Like two birds that just got out of the cage We'll stay close to- gether, baby, and fly a- way You and me, we got some of that Bonnie and Clyde We might look like two ordinary people, on the outside But when we make love tonight --- Chorus It'll feel like freedom It'll feel like breakin' those chains It'll feel like leavin' be- hind us, the troubles be- hind us And never lookin' back again Chorus It feels like freedom It feels like breakin' those chains It feels like leavin' be- hind us, the troubles be- hind us And never lookin' back again, it feels like freedom Outro It feels like freedom, yeah baby

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