Comments: Verse: All the righteous rejoice All the sanctified, sing, Hallelujah! All the Victorious, Lift up Your voice Preparing the way of the Lord! All the dancers dance Let the Justified, rise in freedom Let the singers proclaim the goodness And greatness of You Lord! PreChorus: So let us approach Your throne in holy reverence Lift up our heads Lord, as You draw near Come Lord be blessed by Your people Come Lord as we lift Your name on high So high! Lord find Your faithful rejoicing Standing amazed by Your glory As we lift Your name on high Be Exalted! Bridge: Be Exalted in the heavens! Be Exalted in all the earth! Be Exalted Lord as Your chosen Lift Your name on High We lift Your name on High! ©2001 220 Music All rights reserved. International copyright secured. ********* You found it at E-Chords Submitted By: David Campbell Ontario Canada

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