When I see my baby, What do I see, Poetry, Poetry in motion... Verse:1 Po etry in m otion, W alkin' by my s ide, Her lo vely locomo tion, Ke eps my eyes o pen wide, Po etry in mo tion, S ee her gentle s way, A w ave out on the ocean, Could n ever m ove that w ay. Bridge: I l ove every m ovement, There's n othing I would c hange, She d oesn't need impr ovement, She's m uch too nice to r earrange. Refrain: Po etry in m otion, Da ncing close to me, A f lower of de votion, A-s waying g raceful ly. Bridge:2 Oh, A-w hoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, A- whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, A-w hoa whoa whoa whoa w hoa, Wh oa. Refrain:2 Poetry in m otion, S ee her gentle s way, A w ave out on the o cean, Could n ever m ove that w ay. Bridge:3 I l ove every mo vement, There's n othing I would c hange, She do esn't need im provement, She's m uch too nice to re arrange. Refrain:3 Poetry in m otion, A ll that I a dore, No n umber-nine love po tion, Could m ake me lo ve her m ore. - Repeat Whoas And Fade Out - ambChile