"Beneath the Cross of Jesus" Words and Music by Keith & Kristyn Getty Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music Be - neath the cross of Je – sus, I find a place to stand, And won-der at such mer - cy That calls me as I am; For hands that should dis-card me, Hold wounds which tell me, "Come." Be-neath the cross of Je - sus My un-worthy soul is won. Be - neath the cross of Je – sus, His family is my own— Once strangers cha-sing sel-fish dreams, Now one through grace a - lone. How could I now dis-honour, The ones that You have loved? Be-neath the cross of Je - sus See the children called by God. Be - neath the cross of Je – sus, The path before the crown— We follow in His foot-steps Where promised hope is found. How great the joy before us - To be His perfect bride; Be-neath the cross of Je - sus We will gladly live our lives.