The American Seam The chords for this song are they are played in a regular strum, playing individually and playing down to up with a slow strum for the speaking part the american dream as it leans flock towards me in puddles and streams for the opportunities of bootleg jeans the rational writhed and screamed for the mass of fabricated dreams people's and person's actual needs like their souls and mouths to feed Chorus:Refrao consumerism personifies the weed but was not born from a seed merely created I was born a british and therefore do not possess the fetish needed to acquire the english (Chorus) everybody pray to the west put the burdens off your chest whether you make your own path is the test my empathy and sympathy is not enough to save you you encourage yourself and around this they build the zoo Chorus:Refrao consumerism personifies the weed but was not born from a seed merely created i've been a part of it to the system I have broke on through i'm not quite on the other side I needed to develop reliable ties on which I could rely then the limits would be defined by the sky and of course buy my mind (play from down to up dragging your finger) happiness is your own find it according to your own rules enlightenment and entitlement are not the same thing discuss Copyright () Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Direitos Autorais © 2009 Perry Barnes Direitos Autorais Reservados em Todas as Mídias